Rabu, 14 Januari 2009
Meeting on GAZA Palestine!

On Monday night, 12 Jan, ACCIN meeting set up sub-committee for Gaza. Decisions:

1. The Meeting agreed not to duplicate but to support other initiatives, as you suggested here too.

2. We also agreed to work with all for the sake of the Palestinians and to put aside all differences of opinions and personal feelings for whoever and whatever for a higher common course.

3. Sub-Committee Members as follow:
Chairperson - Br Jamaluddin,
Deputy 1 - Sr Kamar Oniah
Deputy 2 - Br Shah Kirit
Secretary - Br Mansor

4. Meeting also highlighted
NGOs and groups already working on Gaza matters.

5. An umbrella/network group is COMPLETE which, as of now,
already has over 100 NGOs in it, Muslims and non-Muslim, led by the Muslim Professional Forum. (I registered IMAN
with it at its meeting last night).
Last night, Tuesday 13 Jan, Complete had a working committee meeting and all four of our Sub-Committee attended. We had a brief meeting after that and found many of our suggestions similar to ones C has lined up, so we decided to support and supplement these rather then go on our own. Among their initiatives are the following, and we would like ALL ACCIN AND ALL IMAN MEMBERS TO SUPPORT AND PUBLICISE.

1. Palestinian Day, Sunday 18 Jan at Bangsar Sports Complex with talks, explanations, exhibitions etc. Details will be mailed later. Talks will spread throughout the day; people can walk in and out to choose who they want to listen to. Students and youths (over 200) will distribute posters across KL (IIUM sending 2 buses at least). They need help with transport to ferry them from the Sports Complex to their distribution zones. If we have youths ready to assist, we can register them at the venue, and help transport them. (Good time to educate our own families into amal work)

2. Buttons, scarves, stickers, small flags for cars etc will be sold, as well as info brochures

3. C has set up a writers committee for
dissemination of info on Gaz thro internet and other networks, etc..

4. Fund raising and signature campaigns are already

5. The week after this, C will lead a demo to Egyptian Embassy. This is a request by many and as yet no details were discussed. When C starts on this initiative, our sub-committee will suggest memos etc. As you can see, most of our proposals are already undertaken. One thing the sub-committee decided is to have a press release on behalf of ACCIN. We will mail this release to ACCIN for improvement before we release it to press. We need signatures from our NGO members. In brief, the items

1. Support for the Parliament's 10-points

2. Calling all to put aside differences - political, religions, ideological, communal etc for a common cause, ie, to help Gazans. We will work base on the premise of Conscience, Compassion and Common sense (the 3-C Premise).

3.Demand that Eygpt open up the Rafah Borders permanently and break off the seige.This is based on Ummatic solidarity, humanitarian urgencies and a reciprocal reactions to Israel's breaking off and non-compliance to the UN resolutions re the two state agreement.

4. Congratulate the Venezualan's dismissing of the Israel ambassador and call Muslim nations with ties to Israel to do so.

5. Call all people, espcially Muslims, to adopt an action- policy of alienation, disassociation, non-cooperation with all Muslim states that have diplomatic relationship with Israel. We will list up the states.
That's the latest developments and brief reports. Pls do ensure that all ACCIN members get this mail.

Kamar Oniah
posted by Interactive Muslimah Association (IMAN) @ 11:10 PTG  
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5 Feb 2010 - IIUM will be organising a talk on kalimah Allah on Feb 5. Muslimin and muslimat are invited to join the program.
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I woke up before fajr this morning with a thought over Faridah's mail. In my previous two mails, I had explained to some details why I strongly believe not to get into a tango with people whose mission is to revise Islam for their own specific purposes, humiliate our 'ulama' and discredit mainstream Muslims.... (Click to read more)

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